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 Trip Hop in other languajes
Auteur: lestat 
Date:   27-02-2004 21h46

Sorry if i don't write in french, but i'm mexican, and only know a bit of english.

Don't you think that may result interesting to post all trip-hop groups that sing in other language than english?

I only know these:

- Coldfinger (some songs in portuguese)
- Madrededus (in portuguese, the album "electronico")
- Oi va voi (i don't know what this is, only some of their songs)
- Si*Sé (some in spanish)
- Emilie Simon (french)
- Perry Blake (french)
- Smolik (i don't know what this is)
- Lhasa (some in spanish, some in french. Her new album have a trip-hop touch)
- Bjork (some of her early works)
- Sigur Ros
- Ely Guerra (spanish, some of her songs has a trip-hop touch)
- Moenia (spanish, some of her songs has a trip-hop touch)
- Fase (spanish, some of her songs has a trip-hop touch)
- Bebel Gilberto (portuguese)

I can't remember other groups right now. =)

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 Re: Trip Hop in other languajes
Date:   28-02-2004 17h46

Anothers artists:

- Gotan project ( french group - tango electro project---> fine! )
- MIG ( french group with french, english and arabians languages )
- Nitin Sawhney ( english artist with indian sound )
- Talvin Singh ( sounds near of Nitin Sawhney with more drums )
- Badmarsh and Shri ( english group - indian drums )
- Panjabi Mc ( Indian Sound pop )
- Smoke city ( brazilian goupr with english and portuguese voices )

( vive l'anglais ! le pauvre faut l'aider dans sa quête )

That's all for the moment ...


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 Re: Trip Hop in other languajes
Auteur: Eldar 
Date:   02-03-2004 00h26

Perry Blake is IRISH!

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