Auteur: lestat
Date: 27-02-2004 21h46
Sorry if i don't write in french, but i'm mexican, and only know a bit of english.
Don't you think that may result interesting to post all trip-hop groups that sing in other language than english?
I only know these:
- Coldfinger (some songs in portuguese)
- Madrededus (in portuguese, the album "electronico")
- Oi va voi (i don't know what this is, only some of their songs)
- Si*Sé (some in spanish)
- Emilie Simon (french)
- Perry Blake (french)
- Smolik (i don't know what this is)
- Lhasa (some in spanish, some in french. Her new album have a trip-hop touch)
- Bjork (some of her early works)
- Sigur Ros
- Ely Guerra (spanish, some of her songs has a trip-hop touch)
- Moenia (spanish, some of her songs has a trip-hop touch)
- Fase (spanish, some of her songs has a trip-hop touch)
- Bebel Gilberto (portuguese)
I can't remember other groups right now. =)