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Voici quelques excellentes galettes de musique électronique "Made in France", un bon nombre regroupées sous l'appellation un peu fourre-tout mais très à la mode de "french touch". Certes, certains de ces albums ont un rapport assez éloigné avec le trip-hop, mais ils sont bons, inventifs et fait par des français, ce qui fait trois bonnes raisons de les faire figurer ici... :-)
10 DubiansHead Free
18h15 & Dolàn XakòDidascalies
2kilos & More19 - Exempt - Lieux-Dits
6klopYersinia - Ruinoj
90 (noventa)Hors D'oeuvre
9th CloudDelicate Sound - A Monkey In A Yellow Hat - Vinyl EP 1
AAirialIn The Wind - As Above So Below - Echoes Of Silence EP - Wanderings - Samudra
Abstrackt Keal AgramBad Thriller - Cluster Ville - Abstrackt Keal Agram
AcqtäzUtopia For Utopist - From Honey To Ashes - Far From Nowhere - In The Shade Of Pear
ACTLilurarik Ez
Adam CastilloNeptun - Magellan - Airport 911 - Tamure X-11 - The Nabis Project - Dance With Hiro
Adouk BoucanPoudre Noire
After BlowdownIn The Shade Of A Tree - To The Edge Of The Wood
Agathe Da Rama7 Times
Agents XIAltarima - Le Monstre Jaune
AgoriaThe Green Armchair - Cute & Cult
AïdosDans Une Apologie Béante Du Show Business Généralisé
AirLe Voyage Dans La Lune - Love 2 - Moon Safari - 10ème Anniversaire - Pocket Symphony - Talkie Walkie - 10.000 Hz Legend - Eating, Sleeping, Waiting And Playing - The Virgin Suicides - Moon Safari - Premiers Symptômes
AïwaRemixed - Volume 1 - Elnar - Aïwa
Al SafoomGlint, Void And Glimmer
Al TarbaLa Fin Des Contes - Cabinet Des Curiosités (Vol​.​I) - Bad Acids & Malicious Hippies - La Nuit Se Lève - Let The Ghosts Sing - Ladies & Ladies (EP) - Lullabies For Insomniacs
Al Tarba X SenbeïRogue Monsters II - Rogue Monsters
Alain FlaryEulogy To Escape
AlaskamFusion - Norah - Cycles - PLAN B - Barbelés - Compromissions - Eveil - Impact - Chute Libre - Introspection - Indélébile - Horizons
Alexandre BazinConcorde
AlexkidMint - Bienvenida
AlgoRythmikSavannah - Morphism
Alif TreeSocial Mask EP - ClockWork - French Cuisine - Spaced - The Observatory
AliplaysTodotesorosisland - Electronic Music
AlixThe Exchange
Amour à JeunAmour à Jeun EP
AñaNever - Ces Roses Flotteront Sur L'océan...
AntiloopsElectroshock Remixed - Electroshock
AntimonosEsther - In Utera Remixes - In Utera
AntrabataElephant Reveries
Aor AgniInner Peace - Transition
Arm & IrisLes Courants Forts
AromA La Vie - Arom - Jardin D'Eden
ArtlessColors Gone
ArureAnanta EP - Found Objects Long Edition LP - Mecanic Puppet - Reality Exceeds The Fiction LP - Reality Exceeds The Fiction LP - Reach The Frequency LP
As The Stars FallTempus Fugit
Asa Zen'SeiHome Grow EP
Asleep We LiveShowmance EP
ASM - A State Of MindBlue Cocoon - Color Wheel - Crown Yard - Platypus Funk - Pre-emptive Nostalgia EP (Feat. Skrein) - Cosmic Flavour
Auditive EscapeSongs Of Unforgetting - Ondes - Polychrome - Deforis - Evolo - Auditive Escape
Audrey D'IthaquePetite Odyssée
AvrilMembers Only - That Horse Must Be Starving
A'postrofPourquoi J'rap
Bak TrakVoltage
Bang BangSilicone - Je T'aime Je T'aime
BatsuAvalon 2.0
Beat Still Noise UsArticulation
Beats And SoundsBeats And Sounds #2 - Beats And Sounds #1
BeLOeyUne Famille De R​ê​ve (Fuzz Edition) - Spider Flesh
Berry WeightUnreleased - Music For Imaginary Movies
Bikini RumbleAlmost Hydrofoiling
Birdy Nam NamDefiant Order - Live - Birdy Nam Nam
Black JoyTime
Bloom BatFull Dawn - Dawn
Bob MauriceDark Patterns - Ok Cow Boy
BonnieRainy Day - Cut Symphony EP
Botom BotomPeace, Unity, Love, Having Fun & Computers
Boutique ChicCollection - Maison Close - Bikini Party - Chez Le Coiffeur
BoztownPuzzle (Boztown & DemolHicher) - Younger Game - Where You Go - In Memory Of Freedom - Lonely Man - My Rules - It's. - Rhodes Trip - Turn Me - Diskover EP - Reloaded EP - Break First - The Foundation
Brain DamageTalk The Talk - Walk The Walk - What You Gonna Do ? - Burning Before Sunset - Short Cuts Live - Short Cuts - Spoken Dub Manifesto Vol.1 - Ashes To Ashes/Dub To Dub - Combat Dub II - Always Greener (On The Other Side)
Brain Damage Meets VibronicsEmpire Soldiers Live - Empire Soldiers
Broken DevicesOne Knee On The Ground
BrokencandysKitsch Is Fashion
Café De FloreVol.2 - Vol.1
CandyCashL'OMBRE DES FAUVES - MindJam - CandyCash
CanvasBuona Modulazione
Caravan PalaceChronologic - <|°_°|> - Panic - Caravan Palace
Cassius15 Again - Au Rêve - 1999
Cat's EyesNomade
CESRVNowhere (EP)
Chapati ClubChapati Club
Charlotte Gainsbourg5:55
Chateau FlightThe Meal
Chill BumpHidden Strings - Back To The Grain (EP) - Starting From Scratch EP
Chine LarocheAu Delà Du Réel
Chinese ManWe've Been Here Before - The Groove Sessions, Vol. 5 - Shikantaza Remix - Shikantaza - The Journey - Sho-Bro - The Groove Sessions Vol. 3 - Remix With The Sun - Racing With The Sun - Miss Chang EP - The Groove Sessions Vol.2 - The Groove Sessions
Chloe & Ivan SmaggheKill The DJ : The Dysfunctional Family
Chris JossYou've Been Spiked
Christophe MénassierThe Unknown Movie
Chrono.Fixion2016 - 2006 - Echappatoire
CicéroneDiaphane - The Fragments Of Humanity
Circuit BreakerCosmetique - Re-hacktion
Clair / ObscurAnthracite
Clelia VegaSlanting Horizon - Silent Revolution
Clément MirguetLinks - M - ALAND (Original Soundtrack)
CloverWorld's End Lane
CloZeeNeon Jungle - Evasion - Harmony EP - OckeFilms Soundtrack 2012
CloZingerForest Echo EP
Collectif SlangAddict - Slanguistic
Concorde Music ClubAlternative Fictions - Stereo-Fictions
Corbeaux & Volte FaceThe Meeting Point
Cosmos70La Nuit - L'éclipse - Invisible - Le Brouillard - Kármán Line - A Poet With Nothing To Say - Voices
CyesmGenocide - Mods - Hors Du Monde (Bande Originale) - Beat Baker - New Worlds - The Sinner And The Priest - Music For Your Stories - Minorities - BRISTOL - Times And Places - Digital Mind - Romance For Misfits - Score - Raw - Disciple - Weird Stories - Outsider - Undisclosed - C To M - Meaningless
Daft PunkTron : Legacy - Discovery - Homework
DakotaLe Temps Passe
David GrumelBeaurivage
David LawLa Solitude Du Cosmonaute - Shades
DecayFreak Evolution
DegiheugiEverything's Fine - Remixed Treasures - Aquilon (Remastered) - Only After The Show (Remastered) - Foreglow - Vertigo - Bagatelle - Le Temps Est Bon Remix EP - Endless Smile - Dancing Chords And Fireflies - Abstract Symposium - The Broken Symphony - Only After The Show - Aquilon
Del Wire01
Depth AffectDraft Battle - Hero Crisis - Arche Lymb
DerfzenTake A Look At You
DhakiraLes Cris De La Pensée - Larsen Du Temps - Inscience
Dimitri From ParisCruising Attitude - Sacrebleu
DJ CamMiami Vice (Inspired By The Serie) - Westside 2004-2007 - Vintage Beats 1999-2003 - Seven - Liquid Hip Hop - Soulshine - The French Connection - The Loa Project 2 - Substances - Mad Blunted Jazz - The Beat Assassinated - Dj Kicks - Underground Vibes
DJ Cam QuartetThe Soulshine Session - Stay - Diggin - Rebirth Of Cool
DJ Click & Rona HartnerBoum Ba Clash
DJ JosAt The Same Time
Dj Low CutStoned Ride
DJ MehdiLucky Boy
DJ OilPhantom - Black Notes
Dj SladeObo - Demo Cd 2004
DLoawThe Secret Garden - Volume 2 - The Secret Garden
Doctor FlakeFloating - Breaking The Wave - Divagations [Remixed] - Divagations - SIX - Acchordance - Flake Up - Minder Surprises - Paradis Dirtyficiels (New Deal) - Intervention Chirursicale
Doctor LMonkey Dizzyness - Temple On Every Street - Exploring The Inside World
Doctor NoodleSparks
Dolàn XakòFALLING ASLEEP - DEEP INSIDE - Parallela - Le Prisonnier Et Les étoiles
DopebeatsJusqu'ici Tout Va Bien Vol.1
Double UBosphorus - A Bottle In The Sea - Life Behind A Window
Doz1jeeEven Bright Stars Must Die - The Crippling Room - M7rrors - Skindata - Lost At Least
Dring ToyIncoming Contact
Dub In V.O.The Needle
Dub IncorporationParadise - Diversité
Dub OrchestraSonic Deviance
Dub WiserChapter II : Tribute To Remixes
Duberman5600 K
DubphonicRelight - Smoke Signals
Dukes In Process1st EP
DullboySalt Lake Pity - Trashbird
Dum SpiroTant Que Je Respire - Hors Chant
DxdMr Rose Aime La Pop
Echo 6 (Charly Martin)Eta Carinae - Rosetta - Chemicals - Make A Sound From Silence
Eglantine GouzyBoamaster
EKBOMBugabook - Cuckoo Clock - Nowhere - My Quiet Dream - Dusty Old Ghost - Mes Rêves Obscurs
EkovaSpace Lullabies And Other Fantasmagore - Soft Breeze & Tsunami Breaks - Heaven's Dust
El Barön BrissettiWoodpecka Shoes - Zzt Girl
ElastiKInstrumental (EP) - CritiK
Electro DeluxeStardown
Electronic Summer In CorsicaVolume 01
ElectroslideEverything Is Connected To Nothing But Itself
Elek TraumInward
ElestreAurore - L'Absence - Souffle Lunaire - Labyrinthe
Elise MélinandMurmures - Gray Hoodie
Emilie SimonFranky Knight - The Big Machine - Live à L'Olympia - Live A L'Olympia - The Flower Book - Végétal - La Marche De L'Empereur - Emilie Simon
Emmanuel SantarromanaMétropolitain
Epik HeadSérendipité
Erik TruffazSaloua - The Walk Of The Giant Turtle - Mantis - Eric Truffaz Revisité - The Mask - Bending New Corners - The Dawn - Out Of Dream
EskazedEros Vs Thanatos - Overload
Etienne De CrécySuperdiscount 2 - Tempovision Remixes - Tempovision - Superdiscount
EZ3kielLa Mémoire Du Feu - LUX - Naphtaline Orchestra - Vs HINT - Collision Tour - Battlefield - Naphtaline - Versus Tour 04 - Barb4ry - Handle With Care
F. GlausingerRecall
F.T.G.Epilog - Le Journal De Simon
F0x3r (ex Blackbird)Define Love - Perfect World - Leaving - Neon Rain - To Another Place - The Void - Lonely Bird
FabolidaysGood Music For Better Mood
FabrikaElectroad Songs
FakearTalisman - Everything Will Grow Again - All Glows - Animal - Morning In Japan (EP) - Backstreet (EP)
FedadenBroader - Palabras - Fedaden
Fedayi PachaFrom The Oriental School Of Dub - The 99 Names Of Dub - Dub Works (in Mysterious Waves)
FilastineBurn It
Flying Pop'sFly To Me Now - Dim And Dad - Flying To Frisco
Fmr2marsStart From Scratch
Foeniks (aka ElektroBin)Unified Eras - Unreleased Beats - King Of Drama - A Cloud For Two - Nouveau Départ
FonzStructure - The Zebre (beats)
FowatileAerials On Da Milkway Interstellar Slow Troopers EP
Fragile ArchitectureFlying Pool - Kintsugi - Inside - G_host Planet - Sweet Electric
FragmentsAMASIA - Songs For Marge
François Eudes ChanfraultComputer Assisted Sunset
Frank Riggio (Aqka Torr)Empreinte Musicale 3 - Empreinte Originale - Empreinte Musicale 2 - Empreinte Phénoménale - Empreinte Musicale 1 - Empreinte Initiale - Psychexcess - Jadis - Psychexcess III - Eternalism - Psychexcess II - Futurism - Psychexcess I - Presentism - Texturtion EP + Distosolista EP - Symmetric Human Door - Noise Thinking - Anamorphose
FranklinEvery Now And Then
Fred LéonardAngels
Fred YaddadenThe Shadow Of A Rose
Fréderic GallianoEspaces Baroques
FrogNsteinElectrify My Soul
FumujDrop A Three - The Robot And The Chinese Shrimp - Monstrueuse Normalité
G BonsonAway From The Flow - The Dust & The Incense - Do My Thing
GaetDownTa Prohm
GAMIMake A Path
GasolineFUCK YOU I'M 21 - Snap Your Neck Back - Journey Into Abstract Hip Hop
GG ProjectThis Is - Sub Ways
GhostownAccordion Crimes - The Cure To The Problem You Didn't Know You Had - Spektah Revisited - Sow & Reap - Pedro Gordo - The Johnny Tapes - Wuchak - Shanksville - Spektah Gadjo - ReflectionZ
Gong GongMary's Spring - Laughing With The Moon
GooMarSpringtime Stories - Alessa - The Astral Factor - Café GoorMand
Gotan ProjectTango 3.0 - Gotan Project Live - Lunatico - La Revancha Del Tango Live - Inspiracion Espiracion - La Revancha Del Tango
GreenfinchSublimes Défaillances - From Soul To Souls
Grosso GadgettoI NEED YOU - ASTRO TRAVAIL (Billion O'Clock & Grosso Gadgetto) - Hidden Children Of The Vatican - Feet On The Brake - WELCOME TO THE FRONTIER - Infinite Fidelity - TIMELESS - Grosso Gadgetto. Compilation Remix - Moontain (Grosso Gadgetto & Stalsk) - Evidence - La Tour (Feat. Antonella Eye Porcelluzzi) - World Ruled By Big Pigs - Basement (feat. INNOCENT BUT GUILTY) - Earth Project - Paranorama - How Long Do You Have To Wait ?
GRUMPYHeartspeak - Instant Second - Instant One
Guillaume PerretA Certain Trip
Guns Of BrixtonCap Adare - In.Dub.Out - Near Dub Experience
Gustavsite & JulieEP MIST
GutsPhilantropiques - Stop The Violence - Eternal - Hip Hop After All - Django (EP) - Beats Archive - Paradise For All - Rage Against My Computer - Freedom - Le Bienheureux - Le Bienheureux EP
Hanuman Care KitVisited
Haunted Days / Witch's TeatOUTTAKES 2 - Outtakes - Bleached Cuts
Hestya MusicDESTINY - Twelve Monkeys
HexanolScared Stiff - Sublime
Hey ! BOther Side
High ToneEKPHRÖN - Out Back - Dub Invaders - Underground Wobble - Wave Digger - Live - Acid Dub Nucleik - Bass Temperature - Opus Incertum
High Tone Meets Brain DamageHigh Damage
Hip Notik RecordsHipothetik Disaster
HiroshimaThe Next Room - Room88
Horizon ZeroDe Rêves En Dérive
Hôtel CostesBest Of - Vol. 7 - Vol. 6 - Vol. 5 - Vol. 4 - Vol. 3 - Vol. 2 - Vol. 1
Hugo KantBeyond The Tracks - Far From Home - Another Point Of Mix II - The Seven Seas - Out Of Time - The Point Of No Return - Leave Me Alone - Another Point Of Mix - I Don't Want To Be An Emperor - Searching London
Hybrid Sound SystemSynchrone
HypnobotLa Vie Moderne EP
I:CubeStereo Pictures Vol. 4 - 3 - Remixes - Adore - Picnic Attack
ICBMProse Muette - Fragments - Wunderbar
IdemThe Good Side Of The Rain - The Sixth Aspiration Museum Overview - Aérobiose Epilogue - Out Immer, Aérobiose 3 - Aérobiose - Waterglasscolor - Absent Without Leave
Il:loSloh - Jade - Vega - Places - Distances (EP)
IlhoëEaux Fortes - Fruits For Tomorrow - Anki & Aïda
ImhotepKheper - Blue Print
Indigo BirdsThe Influence Of Loneliness
Inky InquestLittle Neutrinos
Inti AkaElectronirik
IphazeWorkship - Insight
JabberwockyLunar Lane
JadeFresh Air
Jade AnalogicThanks For Cleaning After Use
Jarring EffectsFX 100 : A Hundred Effects - Audioactivism - Burn Babylon Burn
Jasmine VegasTime
Jay AlanskyLes Yeux Crevés
Jazz In ParisRemixed
Jean Du VoyageRitual - Namaskar - Mantra - The Closest - One Seed
Jean-Christophe LemayTrip Of Hope
Jean-Pierre TaiebThe Divide
JeFMental Bazar électrique 2 : Ombre
Jefferson LembeyeRogue State
Jérôme Badini'Round The Clock
JeronimoMachine Gum
Jesus CriseDoom Bap (The First)
Jî DrûFantômes - The Pain (Live & Alternate Takes) - Western
JIM (Beatmaker)The Vault, Hidden Tracks 2020​-​2023 - Music For Elevator To The Moon - Pachanga - Dream - Watashi No Saigo No Tatakai - 36th Street - L'Affaire Verbier - Graceful - Atra Bilis - Nana Korobi Ya Oki - A Journey Into The Sound Of The 60's - Studio Beat Session - Waking Nightmare - Chill On The Sand - Towards Another World - Dangerous Mind - Jimmy Reggae Dub - BON VOYAGE - 02.16 - 10.11 - Spark From The Past LP
Joe VitterboSometimes You Have To Stick With He Old School Ways
JostereoBeyond The Golden Door
JubbRugir Les Machines
JudithMuseum (Introduction Au Conte Harmonique)
JuiceWarm Inside
Julien LourauFire - The Rise - Gambit - City Boom Boom
Junior Cony & Shanti DThe End
KaagariPretty Park
Kaly Live DubAllaxis - Lightin' The Shadows - On Stage - Répercussions - 3 Maximal Overdubs - HydroPhonic - Electric Kool Aid
KankaDub Communication - Sub.mersion - Alert - Don't Stop DUB !
Kats BartokIcOnOclaste
KawritesPolaris - Carmina
KeizanTravel Notes - The City - Payback From The Past - Uchronia
KenshirosahnEl Fidar Plage
KesakoOSigma - In My Head - Merysland - P.L.U.M - Phoosphores - Tetra Psychique - Abrîssar
KettelWhisper Me Whishes
Khoe-waBitter Rain - EP Life ?
KhundaliniDeus In Machina - Khundalini - Kundalini
Kick BongElevation - Firefly Tree - Precious Things - Dark Light - Zelitude - The Last Tree - Take Me Away - Mystica - The Secret Garden - Remixed - Kind Of Imagination - Flower Power - A Cup Of Tea ?
Kid LocoConcrete Islands, Lies & Vanités - The Rare Birds - Confessions Of A Belladonna Eater - Party Animals & Disco Biscuits - Kill Your Darlings - Jesus Life For A Children Under 12 Inches - Dj Kicks - A Grand Love Story - Blues Project
KobeMade Of Water
KodämaBlack Cloud - Palo Santo
KognitifSOUL FOOD 3 - Soul Food II - Time Machine - Soul Food - Monometric - My Space World
KohannHypnotic - Don - Mil Bed
KOÏÏRumeurs - Confidence
KojakEvery Room On Every Floor - Crime In The City
KonejoMusic To Kook By - Buy Shit. Look Cool. Take Pic. Post Shit. Repeat. - Beetz - Snapping Back In
KonixionOutline - Kakurenbo
Kozak94Kozak From The Guts (Beat Tape) - Walking Nowhere (ep)
KrismennS'Habituer À L'Obscurité
KsantiWith Silent Eyes - Glass Mind
La CantinaSkipping School - A Cinematographic Journey - The Last Sherpa - Postcard - Come From Outside - Tales Of Sleep - The Lost Shaman - Perce-neige - Sous La Pluie - Le Petit Garçon - Aoidos - La Note Bleue - Dusty Records Vol.2 - Holidays At Home - Morphée (EP) - Inkyo - Neptune - Dusty Records - Summer Tape - West Scenes - Dimanche Après-Midi - Le Vieil Homme Homme (EP) - Amour & Saillies - Fortune - Fragments
La GaleSalem City Rockers - La Gale
La GangâDiversion
La Grande TableFeelin' Good - Polaroid Colors - E​-​Penser - Extended Soundtrack
La Mauvaise HumeurEponymous
La Mezzanine De L'AlcazarVol. 3 - Vol. 2 - Vol. 1
La PhazePunglistic Mixture - Pungle Roads
La Poche RoseNon Testé Sur Les Animaux
La Vie D'ArtisteMETAMEC | Hommage à Léo Ferré - UTOPIES EN RUINE (Prod Supafuh)
LaborealSiddhi - Les Fragments D'âme - Spectre 1 - DEMI-LUNE - RESONANCE - Frequence - Le Carré Bleu
LamiaInto The Number Of The Nameless Tides
Land Of HillsRemixes And Leftovers - Nantes Rabat - Sadly Happy
Laura ClauzelInsondable - Moan - Paria​(​h)
Lauren Vörse & Dasha BaskakoLauren Vörse & Dasha Baskakova
Laurent GarnierThe Cloud Making Machine
Le Comte ChampêtreEphemerides
Le Peuple De L'HerbeRadio Blood Money - Cube - Ph Test - Two - Triple Zéro
Le PolairPâturage
Le Professeur InlassableBibi Tanga & Le Professeur Inlassable - Yellow Gauze - Leçon N°1 : Manipulation à La Main
Le Son Du FuturoscopeVol.1
LeohnartElements EP - Equilibrium
Léon PasmanikOsaka Elegy
Les DiscretsPrédateurs - Ariettes Oubiées - Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
Les Frères KitschLes Frères Kitsch Vol​.​1
Lighted SonLighted Son
Like Horses DoLike Horses Do
Lil FishWild - Organic - Mosaïc - Fusion
Liléa NarrativeNouvelle Chair
LinkrustLink Fizz - Gone For Good
LinkyQuiet Rooms
LittleKiuty - Oscar
Little Big DjüLittle Big Djü
LlorcaNew Comer
Loïk DuryPARIS - BOF - Les Poupées Russes
Loo & MonettiBroken Inside
LoopSuperflux - Entourloupe 3
LouDes Hauts Et Des Bas - Http://www.Musique.Net/Lou
Louise VertigoLouise Vertigo - Femme Fin De Siècle
Loup DidgThe Other Side
Love SupremeLove Supreme
Lucien & Neirda82-83
Luck Of LucienA Quoi Ressemble Ton Ombre ?
Ludo PinNos Jours Ne Sont Plus Les Mêmes
Lyre Le TempsMy Generation - Clock Master - Prohibition Swing - Outside The Box - Lady Swing
L'EntourloopLa Clarté Dans La Confusion - Golden Nuggets - Le Savoir Faire - Chickens In Your Town
L'EnvoûtanteEspoir Féroce - L'Envoûtante
L'OniraunoteLes Chimères Exquises
Löbe Radiant Dub SystemVibe Disciple - Echo Chamber Odyssey
M83Hurry Up, We're Dreaming - Saturdays=Youth - Digital Shades /Vol.1 - Before The Dawn Heals Us - Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts - M83
Magnetic RustFRAGILE - La Chute - The Machine
Maître RenardThe Orb - After The Rain
MakSPACES - Comet
MakoScuba Diving
MALADE[S]Toute Chose Visible - Planète Sauvage
MalkoOpen Ticket
Marc OFXThe Noise Of The Machine - In The Dig For Dub - Artificial Intelligence - Autoconstruction - The Only Planet - We Want Freedom - Unusual Quest LP - Cool Freak - Autoconstuction
MasslessGardens Of Curious Flowers
Mat3r DolorosaA Noisy Blast - Son Of Light - Think About Your Future Now
Matziz13 Monkeys
MazetteA Piece Of Sweetness - AILLEURS - Moods - Chimères - Multi-Facettes
Meï Teï ShôTake A Ride - Danse & Réflexion
MelampyreLa Vie, La Vraie - Sans Exil - Still Laughing ? - The Wild Show - Winston Smith's Life - Ici Et Ailleurs
MelKSuper 8 - MelK
MellowPerfect Colors - Another Mellow Summer
MelodiumFriendly Vehicles - The Island - Coloribus - Petit Jama - Palimpse - My Mind Is Falling To Pieces - Cerebro Spin
Memory LakeHurricane EP
MetastazEncounters - Orient Dub Express
MeteorIdle State & Hurricanes - Atlas - Adastra
Metronomic ErectionMetronomic Erection
MicrosillonSome Flavoured Pearls
MigYamatna - Dhikrayat
Minimal OrchestraLAIKA'S TAKE OFF
MinimaticBongo Chic EP - BRIC-A-BRAC (EP) - Pop Hits Go Latin ! - HIP HOP GOES APERITIF (EP) - FIN DE SIECLE (EP)
Miso SoupThat's The Way The Cookie Crumbles - Umami
Missine+TripstoicMissine​+​Tripstoic & 2Ghosts From The Orchestra
Mister Modo & Ugly Mac BeerModonut 2 - Modonut
MJ'sWaiting 4 A Better Day
Mlada FrontaDioxydes
MobsterMon Sommeil - Mes Songes Sont De Ternes Westerns
MoleculeBesides - Climax - Workshop
MondkopfExtreme Precautions I - Hadès - Rising Doom - Galaxy Of Nowhere
Monolithe NoirRin - Moira Lp [KTW011] - Slowly Changing Ep [KTW002] - Le Son Grave
Monsieur GrandinThe Deafening Silence Of Android Dreams - The Shadow Of Plastic Tree - The Electric Horseman And The Dancing Movie - Mr Dressmaking & The Patchwork Mind
Monsieur PeaceCrystal Wave
Monsieur SaïSoigne Tes Blessures
Monsieur ShwillFugue
MotionlessThe Inertia Of An Accent At Rest
MR BIOSColor Slide EP
Mr DokomoMr Dokomo
Mr NeveuxDamn It! (The Rock Experience)
Mr OizoMoustache (Half A Scissor)
MR PEELMR PEEL - The Cosmic Snail Living Saccharated Dreams - Undergo - Gentle Soul - POUND PLENTY - JAZZ U - GO AHEAD - LP
Mr.teddybearPlacards & Cadavres
Murder RoundRound 1
My DK CrewMy DK Crew
MyloDestroy Rock'n Roll
MythieBecome A Dance - Until The Fight
N ZengThe Trip
NAcoubDu Son Dans Le Bocal
Naked (in A Sphere)Reborn - Freefall
Natacha LubinKOOKIE TOO - Kookie
Naufrage De La MontéeTout Est Là - De Passage...
Nehl AëlinLe Monde Saha
NeuronexionNRX Party Tour
NezoakDiario De Viaje - Black Seed
NHXII - Non Harmonix Project
Nicholas DoddRenaissance (soundtrack)
Night SessionThe Tunnel
Nino KortaTribute To The Wolves
Nothin'PersonalEarth Invaders
Nouvelle VagueNouvelle Vague
Nova NovaMemories - La Chanson De Roland
NovembreINOX - Nacre
NôzeSongs On The Rocks - How To Dance - Craft Sounds And Voices
Nuoc MamaNuoc Mama
NäoPicture This If You Will...
OctetCash And Carry Songs
Odezenne1200m En Tout - Dolziger Str. II
OjûnChal Ha Dichal - Carnet De Voyage Sonore Sur Le Littoral Breton - Bat Karé - The Voodoo
Olaf HundValseuses
Oleg & ZimPoint To Point
Olivier AssayasClean
OMRSuperheroes Crash - Side Effects
OnraChinoiseries Pt​.​1​,​2 & 3 & Bonus Tracks [Digital​]​
Orange BlossomSpells From The Drunken Sirens - Blossom Live Sessions - Under The Shade Of Violets - Everything Must Change - Orange Blossom
OrchesterThe Craftsmen - Before Meeting Together Again
OrdoeuvreMatmon Jazz
Organic DespairMarasme - The Unfaced Album - Miasme - Transition
OrkElectric Reveries
OrphicAeolia - Atlantis
OscarPortrait Robot
OsterOCTO - NAUTILUS - Love Ph​!​ltre - W​.​O​.​W​.​Y.
Ours SamplusBepolar - Antares - Poetree - One Day One Beat Vol. 2 - Last Frontier - Friday Remixes - Capture - Orphan Loops - One Day One Beat - Isteri
Ours Samplus & GrandHuitMoose Head
Oust LoubaDécoction
Over The SnareOver The Snare (ep)
Overland InnProxima - Between A Dog And A Wolf - Technicolor - Long Way Home
Pacific ShoreWild Times
Palo AltoPogs Box
Panda TransportPlush Mechanique
Pandra VoxAux Invisibles L'essentiel
Papaya CakeLe Bison Blanc
Paral-lelUpgrade To Mutant Sheep
Parker's MusicDebut EP
Phantom StatusHiraeth - Just Over Unknown Canceling Hesitations
PhoenixAlphabetical - United
PhoniandflorePacify - Space Act
PicoreL'Hélium Du Peuple - Discopunkture
Pierre ChiffonnierFortune
Pledge Of HealingOne Step Closer
PolSLAB°​#​2 - SLAB°#1 - Homo - Confusion
Polaroid3Rebirth Of Joy
Post ImageImpulsion
PoumonPerfect Judas
PrajnaNos Dieux Sont Morts - A L'Horizon - L'éveil
Prizm ATumultes - Cosmogony
ProleteRTemperamental Cats - Moonswings - Tribute To The Masters Vol​.​3 - Fairuz - Curses From Past Times (Remastered) - Bubbles - Life Playing Tricks - Tribute To The Masters Vol. 2 - Rookie EP - Tribute To The Masters Vol. 1 - Feeding The Lions - Curses From Past Times (EP)
Psykick LyrikahDerrière Moi - Vu D'ici - Acte - Des Lumières Sous La Pluie
PurplestonSoul Keys - Naissance
R;zAtzWill We Cross The Line ?
Raoul SinierLate Statues - Remixes - Welcome To My Orphanage
Rec T LigneSounds Of Rec T Ligne
Record MakersI Hear Voices
Red Fish Dub SyndromReflection
Red RoomRed Room
RekhmireThe Deviant Lounge
REMOTRANSITIONS - Desert EP - Couchant Rouge EP
Ric-TusTotal Rictus
RinôçérôseSchizophonia - Music Kills Me - Installation Sonore
RipleyVery Common French
Road Of SeahorsesII - Eponyme
Robert Le MagnifiqueKinky Attractive Muse
Roger MollsASPHALTA (vol.3) - ASPHALTA (vol.2) - ASPHALTA (vol1) - ELECTRO SESSIONS - The Last Untamed Frontier - (Inspired From The Book : - Melography - The Man With Dusty Fingers Vol. 2 - Metamorphosis Of Muses - The Man With Dusty Fingers - Rewind
Romane SantarelliQuadri Ep
RoneRone & Friends - Room With A View - Motion - Mirapolis Remixes - Mirapolis - Vood(oo) - Créatures - Tohu Bohu
RoraïmaDesmo - 2810
RoudoudouJust A Place In The Sun - Tout L'univers. Listener's Digest
Royal Air MoonWarm Me Like The Sun - Derrière La Nuit - Hush
Rubin SteinerDiscipline In Anarchy - Oumupo (3) - Drum Major ! - Wunderbar Drei - Lo Fi Nu Jazz Vol 2
S.H.I.Z.U.K.AYou're Struggling In The Dark - Isolated - Between
Saï DewPolar Exodus
SamifatiCycle - Chaï
San-ZoTwo - R​.​I​.​P. Paradise - Temporing
SANCELe Feu Sur La Montagne - Dromologie - Motions - Sarracène - SOMA (Reworks) - SOMA - In Car - Lonely Tracks - ERA EP - RUINES EP
Sandra NkakeFaces (mixtape)
SaneyesSaneyes/Gainsbourg : You're Under Arrest (Détournement D'art Mineur)
Sarah AmsellemHidden Echoes - Miracles
SayCetOne Day At Home
ScratchatticWild Motions - The Wild Scope - Gears In Motion
Screen DjehVesper - Fluo Black - Halcyon EP - Sketchz - Hollow Heights
ScreenatoriumLidocaïne Suns - The Missing Chair Leg Dilemna - Flyentists - Takeoff For Naïve - Soundtrack Of My Day - Audimat - Blue Morning EP
Screenatorium & KesakoONoctis
Sébastien BédéEnjoy The Sadness
Sébastien TellierSessions - Narco - Politics - L'incroyable Vérité
Selected & Mixed By Citizen CrewRésumé
SenbeïToitsu II - Tōitsu - Ningyo Remixes - Ningyo
Sensitive OrchestraLe Paradoxe De L'équinoxe
ShazzIn The Night - In The Light - Shazz
ShedAt The Crossroads - Electronic Tales
ShineThe Common Station - One Day EP
Shirley MMystify !
ShitaoInto The Woods - I Hear Voices - Ammonaria - A Host Of Angles - Aurès 1954 - Don't​.​.​.​let Him Go Back To The Tower (​パ​ン​ツ​ァ​ー​ド​ラ​グ​ー​ン​) - Memory To Push Back The Past (2008​-​2022 Part​.​2) - The Waves - Alone, Sometimes Even Not Alone (2008​-​2022 Part.1) - Child's Head With Flowers - Mono - Aleph - The Day She Arrives - Sunless
SICAAThe Source - Space Between Worlds - Analog : V Elements - Square Things
SilensLuna Silenti - Silens
Silvestro DiceVojaga - Morii - V Remastered
SiskaMauvaise Graine - When You Leave It - A Woman's Tale - Need U Badly - Siska EP
Sisterhood ProjectGarden Of Delights - Brotherhood - Sisterhood
SkalMusiques Cinématiques
SmokedBeatSmoked Mood Vol 3 - The Jazz Jousters Sessions #2 - Smoked Mood Volume 2 - The Jazz Jousters Sessions #1 - Smoked Mood Volume 1
SmoKing AFterImpasse
SmoothThe Parade - The Endless Rise Of The Sun - An Electro Soul Experience
SnoozeAmericana - Goingmobile - The Man In The Shadow
So LuneUn égale Huit - Child Spirit - Lou Wave
SOIELe Sanctuaire
SolusMindEmotion Search - LP - Posture
SorgEffluves - Preface (ep)
Sorg & Napoleon Maddox10 Years Of [2014​-​2024] - Louverture - We The People - CHECKIN US - Soon
SoUCHeRevenir Au Monde - Initiation EP - Reflections From The Other Side - Pieces Of The Future - Fragments Of Dreams
Soul SquareLive & Uncut
SoulfightNighttime Birds
SpectateurWe Never Stopped - Elephant - Nocturne - Pelican - Zebre - Gibbon - Traveling Vol.1 - Their Dreams - Yateveo - Tiphareth - Dans L'ombre
Spiders EverywhereGlacier (EP)
Sporto Kantes3 At Last - 2nd Round - Act 1 (2ème édition) - Act 1
St GermainReal Blues - Tourist - Boulevard
Stand High PatrolA Matter Of Scale - Midnight Walkers
Stekri / La Main Gauche / Dtracks / ShyugoshaVersus
Stereo PicturesVol 4 - I:Cube - Vol 3 - DJ Vadim - Vol 2 - Troublemakers - Vol 1 - Radiomentale
StraybirdDwarf Planets - EP - In Transit
Sub 4Sub4 - E.R.U.C.V.A.G F.I.B
Submarine FMWet Dubz
SunderlandFor Majic Eyes Only
SungramaJUN - A Jovian Tale
SUPAPHONEApertura - Prises De Vue
SuperkableHeaven Is Not Big Enough
SuperpozeNova Cardinale - For We The Living - Opening - From The Cold - Lost Cosmonaut - Snowpixel EP
Sweet BackAmok
Sweet PlayAccross The Sky
Syd MattersGhost Days - Someday We Will Foresee Obstacles - A Whisper And A Sigh
S'il Vous PlayLines EP
Tahiti 80Fosbury
Takami NakamotoOpacity
Tara King Th.Hirondelle & Beretta - Mathematique - Stellar Fantasies - Harold-Un Conte Musical - The Tara King Theory - Sequence 01
TcheepFuturoscope Vol. 1 - Acid Monsters Temple - Oasis Mecanic
Teknic Old SkoolTeknic Old Skool
TelepopmusikAngel Milk - Genetic World
Tetra Hydro K.Labotomie - Infusion De Delay - Basse équitable - Indigestion De Tofu - Dirty Wanash
The ArchitectUne Plage Sur La Lune - Foundations
The Circle CornerLife For Onself
The FadistInner Compass
The HomestretchBug Into The Clones - The Homestretch
The Lost MeridianRegardless Of What The Omen Said - Incomplete Puzzle - Useless Anger
The Money Penny ProjectOriginal Version & Director's Cut
The OversleepInsomnia - The Awakening EP
The Qiwu SelftetTravelling Arrière
The WaxidermistTribe - The Origami Case - The Waxidermist
Thibault RenouMaïsha Suite
Thomas ToussaintChamber
Thylacine9 Pieces - Timeless - ROADS - Vol. 2 - Roads - Vol.1 - Transsiberian
Tikal97% Junk DNA
Tilia WeeversEntropia - Bloom - Ethernal
TiogrisRed Fiction
Tom TerrienFrom To
TontonRecordNe Uter
Tour De ManègeThe Machinist - Special Swish - Special Bagarre - Special At Home : By Night - Special At Home : By Day - Special Earth - Special Weed - Special Vocal - The Wizards - Freak Circus - Le Train Fantôme - Tour De Manège
Tout RelatifGood Mood
Travelling DayLast Century - 8 Songs To Die In Silence - La Belle Vie - The Grand Tour - THE FUJI - EXPEDITE - NO Reflection - Extended Play
Trip For LeonTrip For Leon - Repair/Release - Perpetual Waves
Trip-Hop.netMaelström - #6 - Best Tunes 2017 - Trip​-​Hop​.​net Best Tunes 2016 - Best Tunes 2015 - Trip​-​Hop​.​net Best Tunes 2014 - Best Tunes 2013
TroublemakersExpress Way - Stereo Pictures Vol. 2 - Doubts And Convictions
TTCBâtards Sensibles - Cadavre Exquis - Ceci N'est Pas Un Disque
TurnsteaKTuRnStEaK Remix - Circuit Imprimé - Pollution Sonore
TwelvePerfectly Safe
Twilight MotionDark City
TwosidesFrench Escapade
U.SINEBlossoming Galaxies
UHT°H2O - Ghost Forest - Pic De Pollution
Under Old TreesKelo
Urban SessionsVolume 1 : Paris
ValgidràWarplush Vol 2 - Watched Watchers - Warplush Vol 1
Veronique & Vesta RecordingsDécollage
VeuleSport Démocratique [Compilation]
Victor NovakInner - From Dusk To Dawn
VideotapeThe Mourning EP
VilleneuveFirst Date
VinayaLes Valses EP
VinkateThe Sound Theory
Vista Le VieA Futuristic Family Film - Slip It Under - Don't
VolvotraxxParticules Of Love (with Sordid Details) - Passage Des Images Vivantes Aux Images Mortes. Tout Refleurit LP.
VSDémo 3 Titres
WasaruSadtimes Decomposed - Sadtimes Recomposed - Sadtimes - Impercetible Memories - Undefinable Scenes - Fragments Of Stories - Prisoner Of State
WatchmakerLumières - Urbanity - The Wait
Wax TailorFishing For Accidents - The Shadow Of Their Suns - By Any Remixes Necesssary - By Any Beats Necessary - Phonovisions Symphonic Orchestra - Dusty Rainbow From The Dark - Live 2010 à L'Olympia - Wax Tailor & The Mayfly Symphony Orchestra - Live 2010 A L'Olympia - In The Mood For Life - Hope & Sorrow - Our Dance / Walk The Line (EP) - Tales Of The Forgotten Melodies - Que Sera - Where My Heart's At (EP) - Lost The Way (EP)
Whit WeedDisordub
White ElephantExile - White Elephant EP
Willie CortezFarsuct
Wings For LouiseTranscanadien
Wooden KrowCrème Anglaise
X Et Les AutresGaia Spleen
XixoolGive Sum Luv
Yann TiersenDust Lane
YaulEscape - Memento Mori - Remember October EP - Surrender To Be Surrounded (older Tracks Mixtape) - Kodoku EP
YkwoSee You In My Dreams - Future Memories
Yohann Abbou QuartetBetween Landscapes
YoheiOdyssée - Post Mortem - Primary
YoshFistful Of Lies - Big Trouble
Your Happy EndSeven Windows For Six Dreamers
Z & PDemo Tracks
ZaabriskieBreathe Out
ZackaroseThe Fall - Letter From Nowhere
ZeeCutter90 Battements Par Minute
Zend AvestaOrganique
ZentoneZenzile Meets High Tone
ZenzileBERLIN - Electric Soul - 5 More Dubs - 5 + 1 Cello - 5 + 1 Sir Jean - 5 + 1 Jamika - 5 + 1 Box Set - Pawn Shop - Living In Monochrome - Metà Metà - Bass Culture - A Zenzile Mix - Modus Vivendi - Totem - Meets Sir Jean - Sound Patrol - Meets Jamika - Sachem In Salem
Zéro DegréRituels - Des étoiles Plein Les Yeux
Zerolex1538 - Touché-Coulé - Zerolex
ZerowattIf I...
ZhalemSecond Skin
ZimpalaHoneymoon - The Breeze Is Black - Almaviva
Zion TrainState Of Mind - Original Sounds Of The Zion - Secrets Of The Animal Kingdom In Dub - Passage To Indica
ZohamLandscape - Retreat
[Drive In] Static Motion[Drive In] Static Motion
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