1. Places of light - Brainticket
2. Meaning of love - Herbert
3. The Bubble Bunch - Jimmy Spicer
4. Shotgun - Colourbox
5. African reggae - Nina Hagen
6. Limitations - Lindstrom
7. Wax the van - Lola
8. Congo man - The Congos
9. You're not ready yet - Chicken Lips
10. Seventh heaven - Gwen Guthrie
11. Treat me - The Paul Simpson Connection
12. Music a fe rule - Paul St. Hilaire
13. Crisis - TIK N TOK
14. Light years away - Warp 9
15. Beat the street - Sharon Redd
16. Wind ya neck in - Chicken Lips
17. Suckee - Big Two Hundred
18. Animal rhapsody - The Raincoats
19. Brazilian love affair - George Duke
20. Nice and soft - Wish & La-Rita Gaskin
21. Bad skin - Chicken Lips
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