Yvan Attal : Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants -
2004 - Delabel
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. The Pale Fountains / Bicycle Thieves
2. The Velvet Underground & Nico / Sunday Morning
3. Jonathan Fire Eater / Station Coffee
4. Radiohead / Creep
5. Cinematic Orchestra / Breakfast
6. Brad Mehldau / Paranoid Android
7. Burt Bucharach / South American Getaway
8. Cousteau / Last Good Day Of The Year
9. Cinematic Orchestra / Swimming Pool
10. Cinematic Orchestra / Balcony
11. Louis Bertignac / Elle, Lui Et Louis
12. Cinematic Orchestra / Restaurant
13. Sparklehorse / It's A Wonderful Life
14. The Velvet Underground & Nico / I'm Waiting For The Man
15. Henri Mancini / Follow Me : Love Song From "The Mutiny On The Bounty"
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