1. Inner City Dub - The Interrruptor
2. Dubs Dark History - Dubclash
3. Ancient Motion - I-Sonic Institute
4. Rockers Deliverance Dub - Vibronics
5. Rasta Man Skank - The Technician
6. Try Harder Dub - Munky Lee
7. The Giant Attacks - Finn the Giant
8. The Style - Dubital
9. Youth Revolution Dub - Solomon Jabby
10. Dub Under Contention - Alpha & Omega
11. Country Living Dub - Dub Creator/Ras Milo
12. Jah Witness - Dub Farm
13. Gun ina Dub - Dub Addxx
14. Jolly Jumpers Dub - Faya Dub
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