1. Oceanfront Panopticon 04:23
2. Instamatic Voyeurism From the Comfort of Your Own Home 04:24
3. Sometimes the River You Come Out Of Is Not the One You Went Into 04:52
4. Holographic Projection of Environments or Digital Memory Palace 04:46
5. Ice Age Aerial or An Island No More 04:45
6. Everything You Think You See Is Ruins 04:57
7. Urban Drylands and Plants Without Borders 04:45
8. On The Precipice of Realizing Its Potential or Disappearing Completely 04:24
9. Admist Artificial Waves or Cinemapticon 04:55
10. Towers of Silence and No Sea Is Ever Quiet 04:43
11. I Will Not Die In The Cold Earth 05:56
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