1. We Might Even Exist Together on the Outer Fringes of Uncertainty 04:16
2. Living Pod in the Ruins of a Blue Collar City 04:52
3. Do You Ever Think About Dying I Think of it All the Time 05:33
4. Let the Banks Disfigure You in Small Ways 05:36
5. The Village Wants to Kill Me on Monday 04:31
6. Exploring the Implications of Abandoned Airports and the Concentric Halos that Appear Above Them 02:02
7. Malevolent Creatures Now Stalking the Land 04:44
8. Has Anyone Seen the Moon Lately I Have Been Looking For Seven Days 03:58
9. The 1992 World Cup Tore Our Family Apart 03:38
10. I Am Paralyzed with Happiness 03:44
11. Rhythmicon 03:48
12. The Dystopia of Small Scale Living Spaces 04:42
13. You Have Yet to Meet Everyone Who Will Not Love You 05:01
14. The Weather Machine Did It 03:24
15. You Can Find Me in My Echo Chamber 03:37
16. I Have Seen the Life On This Planet and That is Why I Am Looking Elsewhere 07:18
17. How Do You Know What Happens on the Sun Have You Ever Been There 04:40
18. Global Warming Would Have Saved the Titanic 05:24
19. We Got a Ghost in the Neighborhood 06:13
20. Speculative Proposal for Ephemeral Microplastic Cities That Will Never Die 03:10
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