1. The Wyvern Waits in the Shadow of the Moon 03:42
2. Hey Mr. Sandman Bring Me to Sleep 04:31
3. Asteria Guards the Midsommer Stars 04:09
4. Carrying the Willows for Guanyin 05:01
5. Adaro Breaks Waves 02:16
6. Don't Close Your Eyes Watch Your Back He'll Come For You He's Spring Heeled Jack 02:56
7. Light Gazing with Tawa 02:44
8. Caught in the Teeth of Kitsune 03:48
9. Anubis Weighs Our Little Hearts 06:05
10. The Owlman Always Rings Twice 05:32
11. Festivities for Fortuna 05:22
12. Bastet's Sacred Steps 03:19
13. Malingee's Blade Has Been Sharpened 04:20
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