Tracklist :
1. Rising 04:30
2. Morning Talks 06:33
3. Intended Gesture 04:30
4. Landing 05:24
5. Melting Colors 03:48
6. Lifting Feathers 03:00
7. The Window Maker 08:12
8. As time goes by 02:36
9. Unattended 03:36
10. Below the Surface 03:24
11. On the Ground 04:13
12. Flying Pearls 05:00
13. Forgotten Notes 03:00
14. Under the Bark 04:00
15. Brazilian Lift 03:24
16. The Hurge 05:12
17. Dust Proof 05:36
18. Dawn of man 04:48
19. Exit the Magic 06:57
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