Moow : We are all gonna die in 2050 -
04 Fév. 2022 - Maju Records
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. a bath in the ocean with you
2. plants can dream like humans
3. bus station (1)
4. a tree for friend
5. do a nice thing today
6. write your feeling in a book under your bed
7. oublie la heureux
8. take my hand
9. wallee and eve are like us (1)
10. where you want to be
11. tell him what you think
12. when i see you
13. meditation is helpful
14. you can change my world
15. you teach me how to smile
16. it_s ok to be alone sometimes
17. your neighbour is your friend
18. something happen
19. im behind you
20. deconnection - close your eyes
21. looking back
22. how it_s gonna be after (outro - open your eyes)
23. How the party gonna be the night before 2050
24. write your feeling in a book under
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