1. Midnight Sun 03:55
2. Walk of the Clover Witch 04:24
3. Coven 06:13
4. Entering the Temple of Vesta 04:30
5. Meet Me at the Sarsen Circle 03:50
6. Cusp of Magic 04:44
7. Lucia Lights a Fire 04:28
8. Neopagans Adrift 04:57
9. Reaching the Zenith 02:50
10. Serpent's Shadow : Mayan Surprise 04:36
11. Solstice Rituals 04:09
12. Heathen Bonfires 03:06
13. Drop Me From The Maypole 03:35
14. The Reckoning of Time : De Temporum Ratione 04:48
15. New Year Drums 04:37
16. Mound Dowser's Labyrinth 04:08
17. All Cops Are Cicadas 02:48
18. The Garden Aligns with Orion 06:24
19. Paranormal Preparation : Sage your Selenite 04:36
20. Drawing Down The Moon 03:24
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