1. Ça fuit de partout [G.Deleuze] 05:04
2. Condamnez-vous les violences [Editocrates] 02:14
3. The Axis of Evil [G.Bush] 04:38 vidéo
4. Less Than 1% of Patients Become Addicted [Oxycontin Commercial from Purdue Pharma] 03:25
5. There Is No Alternative [M.Thatcher] 03:19 vidéo
6. Nada es gratis en esta vida [S. Piñera] 01:31
7. The Herbicide That Gets to the Root of the Problem [Monsanto] 02:41
8. I Prefer a Liberal Dictator to Democratic Government Lacking Liberalism [F.Hayek] 02:29
9. Green Growth 04:00
10. Delivering a Smoke-Free Future [P.Morris] 01:12
11. Les malheureux sont les puissances de la terre [Saint Just] 04:36
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