Tracklist :
1. Chin-don-ya 03:39
2. Hazy Palava 02:40
3. Ikebana Garden 02:16
4. Sunflower 03:10
5. Bamboo 03:22
6. Same Dance 02:29
7. Swami 02:08
8. Quiet Harlem 02:06
9. Parachute 01:51
10. Bus Ride 02:50
11. Slicer 01:59
12. Flight to the Jungle (Take Off) 05:04
13. Flight to the Jungle (Landing) 04:56
14. Flight to the Jungle (Cocktail Service) 01:04
15. Cherry Blossom 03:16
16. Soft Sand 03:00
17. Twilight Dream 01:07
18. Strange Birds 03:53
19. Green Magic 02:38
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