1. The Scofflaw Fleet 01:42
2. Shadow Lands 02:52
3. The Lone Patrol 02:12
4. The Outlaw Ocean 01:34
5. Walkie Talkie 04:00
6. We Stand Our Ground 05:18
7. The Somali 7 02:10
8. Waste Away 02:58
9. The Dark Side Of The Ocean 01:50
10. Raiders Of Lost Arks 05:30
11. Hunting The Hunters (Strings) 01:33
12. The Last Untamed Frontier 00:42
13. The Next Frontier 03:46
14. Jail Without Bars 03:18
15. Hunting The Hunters 01:12
16. The Middlemen 00:40
17. Grinding, Groaning & Creaking 01:58
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