1. The Theme (Carl Craig rmx) - Hot Lizard
2. Teasing the Dragons Tail - Octagon Man
3. Crazy Dream (Réload rmx) - Nav Katze
4. |2| Cosmic Messenger
5. Jak to Basics - Clark
6. Good Girls - Designer Music
7. Changing Factors - Claude Young
8. Changeling - Tan-Ru
9. You can't stop - Auto Repeat
10. Zonepaging - Random Generator
11. Crossing Mars - Gemini
12. Switch Back - Neuropolitique
13. Res
14. lute - P.A. Presents
15. Electroluv - The 4th Wave
16. Folkloric Acid - Dimitri & Eric Nouhan
17. DJ-Kicks (the track) - Carl Craig
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