1. Le Parasite - So Long (Le Parasite Remix) 04:33
2. 80HRTZ - Sociophobe Within (80HRTZ Remix) 03:25
3. Ghostown - Fantasy Drop (Ghostown Remix) 03:30
4. Hugo Kant - All Across the Sun (Hugo Kant Remix) 04:03
5. Roger Molls - Half a Century (Roger Molls Remix) 03:50
6. Screen Djeh - California (Screen Djeh Remix) 03:25
7. The Oddness - Silver Bullet (The Oddness Remix) 04:25
8. 18h15 - Séculaire (18h15 Remix) 03:43
9. Ours Samplus - Sociophobe Within (Ours Samplus Remix) 04:24
10. HirOshima - Tricky (HirOshima Remix) 02:31
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