1. Snow Pale Shimmering Illumination 05:30
2. Telepathic Spider 03:17
3. Palladium 05:15
4. This Sinister Painting 05:17
5. Wandering Through this Imaginary London 04:09
6. Wicked Meadows 04:48
7. EKO 04:27
8. Edgar Allen Poed 03:00
9. 29387 05:20
10. Transatlantic 04:22
11. The Unintended Beauty of Starlings 04:07
12. The Sky Room of Galilee 04:52
13. Mastadon 04:09
14. Circumnavigating a Thought 05:19
15. The Narcissism of Minor Differences 04:04
16. When the Sea was a Mystery 04:06
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