1. The Road of Trials (intro) 01:27
2. Money in my Pocket feat Gracie Grey 04:14
3. Soul Body 03:07
4. Glimpse of Nature 02:17
5. Meeting the Goddess (skit) 01:17
6. Cold Fronts 03:50
7. All in Perspective 03:23
8. Fear Not feat Erik Jackson 03:23
9. Temptation (skit) 01:00
10. Lingerie & Champagne 03:05
11. Represent 02:49
12. You weren't there 04:36
13. Atonement with Father (skit) 01:27
14. Phantasmagoria feat Hugo Kant 04:39
15. Take me Down 03:29
16. Apotheosis (skit) 01:13
17. This is it 02:05
18. The Ultimate Boon feat Digistep 07:29
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