Unkle : The Road Part II : Lost Highway -
29 Mars 2019 - Songs For The Def
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist CD1 :
1. Iter VI: Prologue
2. Requiem (When You Talk About Love) (featuring Mark Lanegan)
3. Ar.Mour (featuring Elliott Power and Miink)
4. Iter VII: Lost
5. The Other Side (featuring Tom Smith and Philip Sheppard)
6. Feel More / With Less
7. Nothing to Give
8. Iter VIII: However Vast the Darkness
9. Long Gone
10. Only You (featuring Wil Malone)
11. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (featuring Keaton Henson)
Tracklist CD2 :
1. Iter IX: Epilogue / Tales of the City
2. Crucifixion / a Prophet
3. Powder Man (featuring Chris Goss & Twiggy)
4. Kubrick (featuring Mick Jones)
5. Sun (The)
6. Find an Outsider
7. Iter X: Found
8. Days and Nights
9. Reprise
10. Iter XI: In Your Arms
11. Touch Me (featuring Liela Moss)
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