1. Thief Rockers (Feat. Zee)
2. Letter To The Editor (Feat. Racquel Jones)
3. Strike The Root (Feat. Notch)
4. Ghetto Matrix (Feat. Mr. Lif)
5. True Sons of Zion (Feat. Notch)
6. The Temple of I And I
7. Time + Space (Feat. Lou Lou Ghelichkhani)
8. Love Has No Heart (Feat. Shana Halligan)
9. Lose To Find (Feat. Elin Melgarejo)
10. Let The Chalice Blaze
11. Weapons Of Distraction (Feat. Notch)
12. Road Block (Feat. Raquel Jones)
13. Fight To Survive (Feat. Mr. Lif)
14. Babylon Falling (Feat. Puma)
15. Drop Your Guns (Feat. Notch)
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