1. Amid the ether (Blue & Red feat. Shandi I)
2. Rwanda (Smith & Mighty feat. Andy Scholes)
3. Jah pure & clear (Peter D.)
4. Walk on (Smith & Mighty)
5. Same (Smith & Mighty feat. Tammy Paine)
6. Quite frankly (DJ Lynx)
7. Mr. A&R Man (Wilkes)
8. Irrational (Receiver)
9. Anyone (Smith & Mighty feat. Jacki Jackson)
10. Night Fall (More Rockers)
11. First time (More Rockers remix)
12. Sole Sentiment (Ratman)
13. Higher Dub (Smith & Mighty)
14. Never felt this way (More Rockers)
15. Sound boy (More Rockers)
16. Show love (More Rockers)
17. Rainbows (More Rockers remix)
18. New world (Flynn & Flora)
19. Off The Edge (Jaz Klash)
20. Bass speaker (DJ Krust remix)
21. 1-2-3 break (More Rockers)
22. Tripitaka (Wraparound Sound)
23. Vibrations (Gang Related)
24. DJ Kicks/I don't know (Smith & Mighty feat. Alice Perera)
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