Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Intro
2. Blurred Foam feat. B.Written, Slawth, 211Joe & Cory Bugz
3. So Long feat. Kaejo
4. Fantasy Drop feat. Danielle Rose & Flash Jordan
5. Sociophobe Within feat. Slawth
6. Tokyo's Night View feat. JayCee & Kuga of NjS
7. Monuments feat. Cedric Till
8. Take A Hi(n)t feat. Cory Bugz
9. All Across The Sun feat. Kaejo
10. TwoThousandThirteen feat. Slawth
11. Séculaire feat. Nÿme
12. 캘리포니아 (California) feat. C.Cle
13. Change feat. Ben Duff
14. Tricky feat. Katagi
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