Monsieur Grandin : The Electric Horseman and The Dancing Movie -
11 Oct. 2013 - Banzaï Lab
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Cameo
2. Vodka vs Madiran (Feat. Ghostown)
3. It Came from Outerspace (Feat. Hugo Kant)
4. Interlude - Saloon
5. Raccogliera la Pistola (Feat.Patchwork Band & R.Otchakowski)
6. Price of Sanity (Feat.Patchwork Band)
7. Kieng Tiriga (Feat. Art Melody)
8. Interlude - Bond Music
9. Make MöRe
10. Seven Doors (Feat. Patchwork Band & KatCross)
11. Le Repenti (Feat. Paamath)
12. Interlude - Chase
13. Flash (Feat. R.Otchakowski)
14. Soul Attention (Feat. Patchwork Band)
15. The Black Ribbon
16. Bonus Track - Cameo Live @Cooperative de Mai (Feat. Nell Mess)
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