Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Variex - Barbed Wire Necklace
2. Brad Hamers - Fog Belt (feat. Big Pauper & Shannon Rose Steele)
3. Francisco Esteves, Kemal & The Word Association - Answerforthenewamericancentury
4. Olivier Mellano - Until Our Last Breathes (feat. Mc dälek/iconAclass)
5. Haunted Days and Witch's Teat - Dirty Factory
6. Home - Author
7. Dakota - Strange Days
8. Bleubird - Time 4real (feat. Ceschi)
9. Michniak - Au Moment Du Monde
10. P.T. Burnem - Broadway Street
11. Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice - Blank Gaze
12. Otem Rellik - The Paint of Guts
13. Riddlore - Light It Up
14. Yea Big - Carrol Cox
15. Th' Mole - Cousin of Sleep
16. Ancient Mith - Clang Speech
17. Bit-tuner - Manic Dogs At the Carousel
18. James Reindeer - Godspeed in Headphones
19. Rayess Bek - Baghdad
20. Chill Bump - It's Alive !
21. Kid Presentable !!! - Song About a Friends Friend
22. Pierre the Motionless - Most People Don't Need Rescuing
23. We Are Disco Doom REVENGE - Choose Your Enemy (feat. Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice & M. Martin)
24. Mattr. - They Will Forget the Light
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