Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. 穿过冰冷的绿街 (Through the cold green Street)
2. 雨鎛元年的人们 (People of Yubo year Zero)
3. 这谜一样的冬季 (This riddle-like Winter)
4. 阿飞其实不会飞 (A-fly actually could not Fly)
5. 划过天空的翅膀 (The Wings gliding across the Sky)
6. 丛林深处的黑雪 (Black Snow in the Heart of the Woods)
7. 从秋风吹来开始 (It began with the Autum Wind)
8. 摘樱桃吧知更鸟 (Pick the Cherries Robins)
9. 在坠落之前结束 (It ended before the Fall)
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