Wax Tailor : Dusty rainbow from the dark -
10 Sept. 2012 - Lab'oratoire
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist CD1 :
1. Exordium
2. Dusty rainbow
3. Like an hourglass
4. Only once
5. Heart stop
6. Something began to glow
7. No
8. A stop motion bloom
9. The sound
10. In the mirror
11. Past, present & future (Rock'n'roll)
12. Not alone
13. Down in flames
14. Time to go
15. Magic numbers
16. No regret
17. Phonovisions
18. Into the sky
19. My window
20. From the dark
21. 21
22. Heart stop - Radio edit (Bonus)
23. Time to go - Radio edit (Bonus)
Tracklist CD2 :
1. Exordium instrumental
2. Dusty rainbow instrumental
3. Like an hourglass instrumental
4. Only once instrumental
5. Heart stop instrumental
6. No instrumental
7. A stop motion bloom instrumental
8. The sound instrumental
9. In the mirror instrumental -
10. Past, present & future instrumental
11. Not alone instrumental
12. Down in flames instrumental
13. Time to go instrumental
14. Magic numbers instrumental
15. No regret instrumental
16. Phonovisions instrumental
17. Into the sky instrumental
18. My window instrumental
19. From the dark instrumental
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