Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Hosanna in the highest (ft. Ceschi)
2. Can't wait
3. Cultclass (ft. Rochester A.P. of Comunalien)
4. Valiant (ft. Child Actor)
5. Rock off
6. Overlordian (ft. P.O.S. of Doomtree)
7. Prarie dog day
8. I'll be damned (ft. Poeina Suddarth)
9. Look at what the cat did (ft. Busdriver)
10. Never cry wolf (ft. Reva DeVito)
11. Take my hand (ft. Swamburger of Solillaquists of Sound & Aesop Rock)
12. Forget me not (ft. Child Actor)
13. Look forward
14. ANX (ft. Mendee Ichikawa of Free Moral Agents)
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