1. The road is a grey tape
2. H in New England
3. This picture of us. P.
4. Lullaby from the west coast sleepers
5. When the northern lights/Jasper and Louise
6. Circles from the rue Simon-Crubellier
7. Cascade NW By W
8. A sudden Manhattan of the mind
9. In Louisville at 7
10. Cathodes
11. I was just thinking
12. A song for H/Far away
13. Return to Prague
14. Broken symmetries for Y
15. Berlin by overnight
16. Cradle song for a (Interstate B3)
17. Kierling/Doubt
18. From 553 W Elm Street, Logan, Illinois (snow)
19. Tokyo riddle song
20. The tartu piano
21. Cold fusion for G
22. Via San Nicolo
23. Found song for P.
24. H thinks a journey
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