Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. [noisefieldtransmission one]
2. Abandoning the engines of change [woodhook]
3. Kingdom of heaven [abduction & molestation]
4. Helicopter gunships
5. Snakes & devils [version one]
6. Committee on the present danger / [reporting from tehran]
7. Bleating in the pit / [yatzanu at]
8. Masada dig site / [reporting from Beirut]
9. Death Valley Eulogy
10. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
11. We set the policy [get some people killed]
12. Dead pools in Napoli
13. Infidel landfill
14. Salvaged loop from a failed session
15. Snakes & devils [version two]
16. Shir Haletsan
17. Seventh July 2005
18. Blind sky / [going down]
19. Abandoning the engines of change [ascension]
20. [noisefieldtransmission two]
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(2 notes).