Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Live & Uncut (Feat. Pfel & Atom)
2. Living The Dream (Feat. Justis)
3. Take It Back (Feat. Blezz)
4. Know I'm Saying
5. It is All In Your Mind (Feat. Melodiq)
6. That Swing
7. Change (Feat. Justis)
8. Get Together (Feat. Melodiq & Elodie Rama)
9. Trippin' (Feat. Blezz)
10. Fresh Air (Feat. Justis & Mantis)
11. I.R.U (Feat. Voice)
12. Love Break (Feat. Fazz)
13. Spades (Feat. Hus Tha Kingpin)
14. I'll Know (Feat. Blezz)
15. Get Into It (Feat. Melodiq & Dajla)
16. Jazz Lesson
17. New York State Of Mind (Feat. Shinobi, Melodiq)
18. Too Short
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