Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. A tryst (Feat. K-Town Sophia)
2. Garden waltz (Feat. Carinne and Francesca Corno)
3. Oui got now (Feat. Liquid Aad Stephane Moraille)
4. Drop off (Feat. Coco Thompson)
5. You (Feat. Francesca Como and Malicious)
6. You too (Feat. Jahsepta)
7. Grace (Love on the block)
8. Cowboy hoot (Feat. Liquid)
9. Jahrusalem (Feat. EP Bergen, Dorian and Sidaffa Bakel)
10. World party (Feat. Steeve Khe, Liquid and Jahsepta)
11. This day (Feat. Ben Wilkins)
12. La dolce vita (Feat. Freddie James)
13. Journey (Feat. Helena Nash, Jahsepta and Kim Bingham)
14. Stillness" (Feat. Rafaelle Mackay Smith and Alexandre Desilets)
15. Saltwater cats (Feat. Kim Neundorf and Malicious)
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