Monsieur Grandin : Mr Dressmaking & The Patchwork Mind -
17 Sept. 2010 - WAF Records
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Intro
2. Patchwork Mind (feat. Ghostown)
3. Fever
4. Lundum bi (feat. Pape Amath N'diaye)
5. The Bric of the Orchestra's Brac
6. Ticket
7. My Schematic Cinematic
8. Devil's Plight
9. Interlude Children
10. Mister Children
11. The Womble's Whack
12. The Blackout (feat. Ray Valentine)
13. Drunk
14. Tais-toi (feat. Nathan Gross)
15. Mister Dressmaking (feat. Screenatorium)
16. The End.....
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