1. The Sound of Lucrecia - Answering Machine
2. The Sound of Lucrecia - De vez en cuando
3. The Sound of Lucrecia - Come To My Past
4. The Sound of Lucrecia - Just Before My Thoughts
5. Manekinekod - Unable To Display
6. Manekinekod - Speedlight
7. Manekinekod - Room 302
8. Manekinekod - Like in the movies
9. Manekinekod - B with An
10. Julia Holter - Moto Perpetuo
11. Julia Holter - Neighbor Neighbor
12. Julia Holter - Minerals
13. Julia Holter - Measure What More
14. Julia Holter - Coyotes Of The Canyon
15. Liz Christine - Dreaming
16. Liz Christine - A song to the Lilac Fairy
17. Liz Christine - Green Eyes Girl
18. Liz Christine - The Blue Frog and the Green Fairy
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