1. Pixeltan "Get up/Say what (DFA remix)"
2. Huntermann "Boys/girls"
3. Captain Comatose "Don't come back (Snax's go-go mix)"
4. Dieter Schmidt "Morse code from the cold war"
5. Steve Bug "101.3"
6. Lidell Townsell "I'll make you dance (Jef K & Chris Carrier re-edit)"
7. Soldout "I don't want to have sex with you (Mugwump zexual sealing reversion)"
8. Soulwax "NY excuse"
9. Dirt Crew "Rock da house (live mix 1992)"
10. 4 Hero "Mr. Kirk's nightmare (Energize 96)"
11. Sweatshop "Back in the days"
12. !!! "Intensified (Sunracapellectroshit mix 03)"
13. Amnesia "Drop the stick"
14. Out Hud "Put it away, put it away, put it away, Dad"
15. WhoMadeWho "Flat beat"
16. John Tejada "Sweat (on the walls)"
17. Scratch Massive "Make it high (Sex Schön mix)"
18. Scratch Massive "Girls on top (break mix)"
19. Huntermann "Bodyrockin' "
20. Artist Unknown "Control"
21. Death In Vegas "So you say you lost your baby"
22. Nina Hagen "Naturträne"
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