Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Hasta Luego Mr. Fab (Interlude)
2. Get Down (feat. Stush)
3. The Things That We Could Share (feat. Simon Lord)
4. Save My Soul
5. What'S Your Version? (feat. Jeb Loy Nichols)
6. Paris (feat. Candi Staton)
7. Love Sweet Sound (feat. Candi Staton)
8. The Girls Say (feat. Rhymefest & Jack Splash)
9. Lightsonic (feat. Mad)
10. Soundboy Rock (feat. Mad)
11. Drop That Thing (feat. Jack Slash & Stush)
12. Song 4 Mutya (Out Of Control) (feat. Mutya)
13. From The Rooftops (feat. Jack McManus)
14. See What You Get (feat. Alan Donohoe)
15. What'S Your Version? (Reprise) (feat. Jeb Loy Nichols)
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