Agoria : Cute & Cult -
2006 - Pias
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Angelo Badalamenti "Mulholland drive/Love theme"
2. Carl Craig "Experimento"
3. Lucian N Luciano "Stone age"
4. Sieg Uber Die Sonne "Love is ok (Ricardo Villalobos
5. remix)"
6. Extrawelt "Supertrack"
7. Radiohead "Idioteque"
8. Kralm feat. Shad Privat "Safari (James holden remix)"
9. After Ego "Daktari (Robag Whrume mix)"
10. Agoria "Les beaux jours"
11. Matthew Jonson "Marionette'
12. The Age Of Love "The age of love (Watch out for Stella
13. club remix)"
14. Sleep Archive "Research"
15. 69 "Filter king"
16. Iggy Pop "Nightclubbing"
17. Agoria "Lude"
18. 69 "No high - finale"
19. Swayzak "Another way"
20. Basic Channel "Phylyps take 2"
21. Sasse "Soul sound (Dirt Crewmix)"
22. MGI "Rainbow"
23. Anthnoy Rother "Black home"
24. LFO "LFO"
25. Fransesco Tristano "Strings of life"
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