Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist CD1 :
1. Jah Screechie "Walk and skank"
2. Banda de Pifanos de Caruaru "Jackson, o rei do pandeiro" (Bruno e 'o discurso' remix)
3. G Samba "Sharabbia"
4. DJ Dolores "Abertura"
5. Marky & XRS feat. Gilberto Gil "Dia del sol"
6. Transglobal Undeground "The Khalegi stomp"
7. Bollywood Brass Band "Drum maro dum (hackey hifi rerub)"
8. Fulanito "Merencumbiaco"
9. Laventille Rhythm Section "Rhythm"
10. Scrunter "Jumbie" (De Road mix)
11. Magic System "Premier gaou"
Tracklist CD2 :
1. Bally Sagoo feat. Gunjan "Kahin deep jale dil"
2. Gaetano Fabri vs Kocani Orkestar "Siki siki baba"
3. Two Culture Clash "Rudie no !"
4. Ska Cubano "Coqueteando"
5. Uroy with Tony Tuff "Greedy little deggy"
6. Shantel "Bucovina"
7. Terry Hall and Mustaq "The gotta quit kicking my dog around"
8. Eastenders "Allez allez"
9. Kokolo "Candela"
10. Dry and Heavy "Du up your fight"
11. Instituto feat. Rappin' Hood "Dia de desfile"
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