Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist :
1. Brain Damage : Major crisis
2. Vibronics : remixed from "On the other side"
3. Alpha & Omega : remixed from "Spirit world"
4. Manutension : remixed from "Genetic weapon"
5. Sam " Kronik " Clayton : remixed from "Just suddenly peaceful"
6. Mossman : remixed from "Vanishing point"
7. Alter Echo : remixed from "Pre war psychosis"
8. Rasboras : remixed from "Doom's day machine"
9. Fedayi Pacha : remixed from "Just suddenly painful"
10. Kobe : remixed from "Les petits yeux métalliques"
11. Scorn : remixed from "A little walk to nowhere"
12. Brain Damage : "Armistice"
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