Lali Puna : I Thought I Was Over That -
30 Août 2005 - Morr Music
Note du chroniqueur :

Tracklist CD1 :
1. The Failure of the Leading Sign Industry
2. 40 Days
3. Clear Cut
4. Awaiting an Accident [Remix for Boom Bip]
5. It's Not the Worst I've Looked [Remix for Two Lone Swordsmen]
6. Harrison Reverse
7. Daily Match
8. (This Is) The Dream of Evan and Chan [Remix for Dntel]
9. Past Machine
10. Together in Electric Dreams
Tracklist CD2 :
1. Nin-Com-Pop [Thomas Leboeg Remix]
2. Micronomic [Boom Bip Remix]
3. Faking the Books [Dntel Remix]
4. Grin and Bear [To Rococo Rot Remix]
5. Alienation [Alias Remix]
6. Left Handed [Lali Puna Dub]
7. Fast Forward [Flowchart Remix]
8. Small Things [Sixtoo Remix]
9. Nin-Com-Pop [Two Lone Swordsmen Remix]
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